Our vision:

Ōtepoti Dunedin: the hub of Otago’s trail network

Five new trails across Dunedin

3. Potential
Outram to Hindon to Middlemarch

4. Potential
South Coast Trail

5. Potential
Coastal Peninsula Trail

—— Existing
—— Feasible
—— Potential

Links to existing trails will include Te Aka Ōtākou (Otago Harbour loop), The Tunnels Trail (under construction), Clutha Gold, Otago Central Rail Trail

  • Coastal Communities Cycle Connection

    Status: Feasibility study completed, progress to ‘build’ being made on sections 1 & 5

  • The Taieri Trail

    Status: Revised feasibility study for Section 1 released, detailed design underway

  • Outram To Hindon

    Status: Potential

  • South Coast Trail

    Status: Feasibility study of 2015 to be reviewed.

    More coming soon

  • Coastal Peninsula Trail

    Status: Potential

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Let’s get these trails built!


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2. Be heard

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