The Taieri Trail

In response to community interest, and the near completion of the Clutha Gold Trail at Waihola, talk of an off-road walking and cycling trail across the Taieri began in 2021.

Taieri Trails Group was then formed in early 2022 and the vision of the Taieri Trail established:

  • Connect to the shared walking/cycle trails to the north (the Tunnels Trail) and the south (the Clutha Gold trail), effectively linking Dunedin to the Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes trail networks, and provide easy and safe access to those trails.

  • Link the communities of the Taieri Plains, with particular focus on linking Mosgiel and Outram to each other and Berwick, Woodside, and Allanton.

  • Provide recreational opportunities that will improve the health and wellbeing our our communites.

  • Enable safe, off-road active transport options, allowing travel with a low environmental impact.

  • Be a catalyst for increased economic activity by providing a direct link between Dunedin and Queenstown Airports, and the increased economic activity that results.

The resulting trail will not only be a valuable amenity for the Taieri community as both a recreational and commuting option, but will also provide significant economic benefit to the wider region by completing a critical link between Dunedin and the Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes trail networks. 

The Taieri Trail comprises 3 sections:

Running from the Silverstream at Wingatui Road, Mosgiel through to Outram.

Connectng Outram to Berwick and Lake Waipori at the south end of the Taieri plains. 

Provides a connection from Lake Waipori to the Clutha Gold trail at Waihola.

Section 1 has the highest priority, and we are aiming to complete this section first. We anticipate this will be followed quickly by Section 3, for it enables cyclists to avoid SH1 as they head north to Dunedin from the end of the Clutha Gold trail. Section 2 across the lower Taieri will then follow.

Factors such as land access, buildability, sustainability, and desirability are important considerations in developing this trail and the Taieri Trails Group is currently working closely with the community and key stakeholders to determine the best trail possible.  

Update: August 2024

The Taieri Tails group has released an updated route for Section 1 of the Trail with directly effected landowners onboard.

Next steps include design of the clip-on bridge at Outram, landowner easements and further discussions with the Otago Regional Council.